International project studies

Demola for Campus

Access to award winning project course, which equips your students with the industry relevant skills and prepare them for international career success.

Industry-relevancy Guaranteed

Business Finland
Porsche Engineering

Build career readiness


Of participants agree project has grown capabilities for working life.



Perceived level of inspiration towards results.



Perceived level of satisfaction on facilitation.

Demola is your university’s partner for industry-relevant skills at scale

Demola project is unique innovation and learning experience for students:

International experience

A low-threshold way to gain experience in international and multicultural teamwork.


The capacity to understand multiple viewpoints on a selected future challenge.

Hybrid Teamwork

Modern skills to perform in hybrid or remote working environments.

Industry relations

Enables better employment opportunities and career development for students.

Entrepreneurial mindset

The ability to see business opportunities and one’s own skills as an entrepreneur.

Creative confidence

The ability to approach future problems with an open and innovative mindset.

Demola Partnership

Project Studies

Our team can handle the heavy lifting of program delivery, leaving your institution or faculty free to focus on what you do best.

We provide full solution including:

Teambuilding by Demola

Online application process

Performance & skills evaluation

Agreement management and IPR framework

Online platform and tools

Professional team facilitation

Year-round project catalogue

Verified Certificates upon course completion

Innovative Project topics to Foster Creativity and Critical Thinking

The constantly evolving portfolio offers a range of topics from diverse fields to create a dynamic learning experience.

Demola follows the tradition of academic research – new teams do not start from scratch, but instead build a continuum of projects based on the results and findings of previous teams.

Expand your curriculum with Demola hands-on innovation projects

Awarding credits for completing the Demola course is effortless when the Demola course is integrated as part of the study program.

There are multiple ways in which the Demola project is integrated into university curriculum. Partner universities may offer a tailored Demola project course, or incorporate it into existing project work courses defined per faculty. Additionally, internships may be structured to include the Demola project as part of the experience.

Course Code

Enable procedures to enroll Demola Projects within your faculty or outside degree programs.

Point Value

Based on standard Demola process and student workload the ECTS credit allocation is 5.

Demola Impact

Proven skills development

Our stakeholders are extremely satisfied with Demola's impact, and it's no coincidence. We prioritize comprehensive performance measurement and utilization of results in all of our activities.

Great impact on the growth of working life capabilities

Great impact on the growth of working life capabilities

Strongly agree (49.3%)

Agree (43.6%)

Neither agree or disagree (5.3%)

Disagree (1.3%)

Strongly disagree (0.5%)

Perceived impact on skills development

2 272 people took part in the survey.

New skills


Valuable work experience


New friends


Startup ideas


International teamwork experience


Industry contacts




New motivation to study


Confidence in career choices


Researcher contacts


Better position in the labor market




Students love Demola projects and experience

How likely are you to recommend the co-creation experience to a friend or fellow student?






Students love Demola projects and experience

Based on Q4/2022 survey

We are listed as European Commission Best Practice

Demola feasibility study published by EC is based on the empirical evidence of the co-creation experience of five European companies and cross-border student teams. It clearly shows that the Demola experience is relevant and adds value for all parties.

Download and read the Demola feasibility study

Demola students around the world

Demola is open for all students around the world

As an official Alliance University, ensure your students' participation opportunities and include the Demola project as part of the curricula.

Demola students around the world

Demola Alliance

Join Demola University Alliance

Demola offers its Alliance partners a long-term relationship, which can be used to raise the level of the university’s internationalization and enable multidisciplinary work also on a global level.

Alliance membership includes:

Legal frame for collaboration

Support for student engagement and promotion

Grading reports

Local on-campus Demola events

Demola Summit invitation

Performance benchmarking and evaluation data

Discover How Demola is Empowering Universities to Build Student Success

Professor Milan Radosavljevic
Professor Milan Radosavljevic

Pro Vice-Chancellor Research, Innovation & Engagement, University of West of Scotland


5 stars out of 5


UWS is incredibly proud to be working with Demola Global. Demola Scotland, hosted by the University of the West of Scotland is a direct result of this collaboration and it is a vehicle to deliver a completely new level of developing innovation through multidisciplinary student teams, focusing on emerging and future challenges that are yet to be even recognised. In a rapidly changing world, it is imperative, yet incredibly difficult, for organisations of all sizes to anticipate what comes next and this is where Demola student teams really excel. It is thus unsurprising that Demola has become a global community and I cannot wait to see an increasing number of Scottish students and businesses benefiting from the vast collaboration opportunities it offers.

Tomi Heimonen
Tomi Heimonen

Director of Xentre, South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences


5 stars out of 5


Demola does important work in building shared global and local futures. The key ingredients in the ecosystemic operating model enabled by Demola are active people, interpersonal dialogue, ideas, creativity and especially a joint research journey towards future challenges and opportunities on the horizon. The concept encourages and challenges the individual to think out of the box, to learn and act locally and internationally.

Do you have any questions about Demola?  Contact us

Join Demola Alliance

As a member of the alliance, you are part of an international academic community of innovative and future-oriented universities that utilize the educational opportunities provided by Demola.

Contact us